Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Heritage Breeds of the South: An Exhibit

Oh, the places we would go! If you’re in South Carolina low country, don’t miss this exhibit on heritage breeds of the South, featuring photos by An Introduction to Heritage Breeds co-author Jeannette Beranger.

Spanish doe. Photo © Jeannette Beranger
The Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, recently opened a new exhibition in their art gallery entitled “Heritage Breeds of the South,” featuring images and information on the breeds of livestock and poultry that were historically found on southern farms.
Heritage Breeds of the South is on display at Hilton Head’s Coastal Discovery Museum.
All of the animals portrayed in the exhibit are considered endangered and are listed in The Livestock Conservancy’s Conservation Priority list.
The exhibition pairs contemporary images with those from the past.
Context for the roles these animals have long played on southern farms is created by hanging current-day photos of animals, taken by The Livestock Conservancy’s Jeannette Beranger, alongside historical images, procured by curator Natalie Hefter, that depict many of the same breeds at the turn of the last century.
Ossabaw Island piglets. Photo © Jeannette Beranger
The exhibit aims to raise public awareness of the historic and cultural importance of these animals in Southern life and to demonstrate why it is crucial that they remain a resource for future generations.
Hog Island Sheep. Photo © Jeannette Beranger
The exhibit is open through September 28th.

Want to learn more about heritage breeds? An Introduction to Heritage Breeds is available wherever books are sold.

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