Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fall Harvest Crops to Plant Now

Just this morning, while watering the garden (yes, Mother Nature has finally stopped the waterworks and we Northeasterners now need to unreel our hoses and water our gardens), I was wondering what could be planted in my unproducing beds that had previously been home to spring peas and early-season lettuce. Only moments ago my unverbalized question was answered. . . .

As though she somehow knew my pondering garden thoughts, Carleen Madigan, Storey’s garden editor extraordinaire and garden group leader, sent out an e-mail to the Storey garden group with exactly the information I had been curious to know:
It’s so nice to be able to keep harvesting when the weather starts to get chilly! I’ll be sowing carrots, beets, lettuce (maybe indoors), and kale this weekend. Here’s a great planting calculator for fall crops (from our friends at Johnny’s Selected Seeds), in case you’re interested.

— Carleen

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